• 1-TEAM

    WE ARE

“We believe that if we work together as one-team, we can make an impact on this earth that will last for eternity.”

About One-Team

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ONE-TEAM is a movement of athletically minded believers who desire to serve our local communities by encouraging coaches, families, and professionals to teach their players various principles of attitude and character. As we look at the world that we live in, we recognize that our young people need mentors who are willing to invest in them. The great majority of all athletes statistically will not go beyond high school sports. It is important for us to prepare these young adults for life through the game, and not prepare for the game to be their life. Therefore, it is our desire to challenge coaches, parents, and professionals to use their platforms for the purpose of developing the person as well as the player. We are committed to the character development of all people who will let us into their lives, knowing that our communities will benefit from the strengthening of individual moral character.

Character Development

Character makes up who you are. A person with honorable character will be a blessing to family, friends, country and community. A person with dishonorable character will be a burden. However, these attributes are not easily developed. Much like a diamond is developed by great heat and pressure, character will be developed under the pressures of your daily life. The decisions you make will expose the character within. We all fail at times, but that doesn't mean we have to just keep failing. When you reach the point that you realize you can't do this on your own, there is help available. Talk to your parents, coaches, teachers or anyone else who exemplifies these attributes. Finally remember this, you can talk to God. He desires you to turn away from a self-empowered life and turn to Him, that He might strengthen you and lead you in the way that is best.

Meet Our Team

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Pastor Al Jiron Jr. President Al Jiron Jr. has served in full time vocational ministry since 1985. He has held the position... [Read More]
Steve Watson Vice President Steve Watson attended Temple University from 1975-1980. He graduated from Temple in 1980... [Read More]
Thomas H. Dillingham Managing Partner Thomas H. Dillingham is a veteran, who served his country during the Vietnam Conflict and received... [Read More]