Pastor Al Jiron Jr.


Al Jiron Jr. has served in full time vocational ministry since 1985. He has held the position of Senior teaching Pastor for thirty years. Furthermore, he worked as a missionary with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and the Navigators. Al spent years in the classroom as an adjunct professor and Dean at Knox theological seminary in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Prior to becoming a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, Al served in the U.S. military and spent time overseas. During a deployment he was injured and received an Honorable Discharge as a disabled veteran. Al earned his B/A at Grand Canyon University, Master of Divinity at Midwestern Baptist theological seminary and did his Doctor of Ministry work at Knox theological seminary. His life is now committed to love Christ, family, church, community, Colorado and country. A principal feature of Al’s personal life for well-over 50 years was playing, coaching, scouting and mentoring within the realm of athletics. Athletics for Al is true enjoyment.